(too old to reply)
2003-12-19 20:00:51 UTC
Different Types of Digital Trunking/Modulation

Project 25 / APCO-25
Project 25 uses the IMBE Vocoder. IMBE stands for Improved Multi-Band
Excitation, and was developed by DVSI Inc. Numerous vendors have
produced Project-25 capable subscriber equipment, including Motorola,
EF Johnson, Uniden, Racal, and others. There are conventional voice
solutions as well as trunking solutions available for this digital
voice solution.
Currently, there are two trunking solutions available that use the
Project-25 vocoder:

Motorola ASTRO IMBE - This is Motorola's APCO-25 compliant digital
solution, and is also called the "ASTRO Digital CAI (Common Air
Interface) Option". This is a proprietary trunking solution that
uses the Project-25 vocoder as it's digital voice solution on top of a
standard Motorola Type II Smartzone system. Some agencies using
Motorola ASTRO APCO-25 IMBE systems include The City of Baltimore,
Jefferson Parrish LA, The Metro Washington Airports Authority, Fairfax
County VA, and Sarasota County FL.
The Motorola ASTRO IMBE solution uses the Motorola Type II 3.6 Kb
Smartzone control channel.

The Motorola ASTRO IMBE solution can allow both analog and Project-25
digital radios to operate on the same network

Project 25 Digital Trunking - This is the Project 25 Digital trunking
solution that is vendor independent and designed around the Project-25
Digital Trunking standards. The State of Michigan and the State of
Colorado are two of the few systems that uses this format. Very few
Project-25 Digital trunking solutions have been deployed at this time.
Project 25 Trunking uses a 9.6 Kb control channel.

All radios on a Project-25 Digital trunking system must use digital
voice - no analog trunking capability is provided.

Uniden has recently developed two scanners with an add-in card to
monitor APCO-25 / Project-25 systems. Motorola ASTRO IMBE systems can
be monitored and tracked with the newest generation of Uniden Digital
Trunktrackers. Project-25 Trunking systems using the 9.6 Kb control
channel can only be monitored in conventional mode, they cannot be
tracked using a trunktracker scanner.

VSELP stands for Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction. This is
Motorola's original 1st generation "ASTRO" digital product. Some
agencies that are currently using the VSELP Vocoder include The City
of Cleveland ASTRO system and the City of Memphis ASTRO Public Safety
System. Note that the VSELP implementation of ASTRO is not APCO-25
Motorola VSELP systems exclusively use the standard Type II Motorola
3.6Kb control channel.

Fortunately, these systems are being phased out in favor of APCO-25 /
Project-25 systems.

MA/Com Ericsson EDACS ProVoice
This is MA/Com / Ericsson's implementation of IMBE Digital modulation.
It is NOT APCO-25 compliant, but does use the same IMBE vocoder
developed by DVSI Inc. The only difference from the APCO-25 standard
is how error correction and modulation is provided to transmit the
data. San Antonio TX, The State of Florida, and St Tammany Parish are
using ProVoice EDACS solutions.
EDACS ProVoice systems use the MA/Com / GE EDACS Control Channel.

There is not a scanner available today that can monitor EDACS ProVoice
Digital voice.

This is MA/Com / Ericsson's implementation of IMBE Digital modulation.
Very few agencies today are using AEGIS Digital Voice solutions,
since they are 1st generation digital voice solutions and considered
EDACS AEGIS systems use the MA/Com / GE EDACS Control Channel.

There is not a scanner available today that can monitor EDACS AEGIS
Digital voice.

MA/Com Ericsson OpenSky©
This is MA/Com / Ericsson's implementation of AMBE Digital modulation
over a TDMA Channel Format/Slot. AMBE is another vocoder developed
by DVSI Inc. The State of Pennsylvania is deploying an OpenSky
solution. Operation is very similar to Nextel TDMA Digital Voice
OpenSky systems do not use a control channel.

There is not a scanner available today that can monitor OpenSky AMBE
Digital voice.

iDEN© (Integrated Digital Enhanced Network)
iDEN is a Motorola developed high-capacity digital trunking solution
in use primarily for SMR's and Business Applications. Nextel is
developed and based on the iDEN network infrastructure. iDEN is
reported to use the VSELP vocoder, over a 6:1 TDMA Channel.
There is not a scanner available today that can monitor iDEN Digital
Voice Systems.

Tetrapol is an open digital voice standard in use primarily in Europe
and overseas from the United States. It uses a 12.5 kHz FDMA GMSK
There is not a scanner available today that can monitor Tetrapol
Digital Voice Systems.

Tetra Digital Voice Standard
Tetra is an open digital voice standard developed by the European
Telecom Standards Institute (ETSI) and is in use primarily in Europe
and overseas from the United States. It uses a 4-Slot TDMA channel.
Please see the Tetra Digital Information Page for more information on
Tetra systems.
Tetra systems use the Tetra Control Channel.

There is not a scanner available today that can monitor Tetra Digital
Voice Systems.

Additional APCO-25 / Project 25 Information

APCO-25 is a project headed by The Association of Public Safety
Communications Officials to create a common architecture for two-way
radio digital technology. APCO-25 defines the standards that digital
two-way radio communications networks will use so that
interoperability is a success and so effective bandwidth utilization
is maintained. It also defines the technical standards such as
Vocoder, bandwidth, signaling, and other features. The PRIMARY goal of
APCO-25 digital modulation is to reduce bandwidth requirements for
public safety communications, NOT to prevent scanner listeners from
hearing communications.

APCO-25 is an open standard, thus there is a lot of information
available regarding it.

APCO-25 Homepages

Project 25 Interest Groups Homepage - General information on the
Project 25 User Group Homepage. Downloadable PDF's and more.
Project 25 Overview - PDF Document with general Project 25
Project 25 Discussion List -Yahoogroups mailing list dedicated to
project-25 information.
US Army Nationwide Digital Trunked Radio - The US Army is deploying
digital trunking systems for numerous military and federal agencies
around the United States. Here you can find detailed information about
there project, their current users, and status updates regarding the
The APCO International Web Site - This page is homepage for the
Association of Public Safety Communications Officials. They are the
group that defines standards for Public Safety communications in the
United States
The APCO Project 25 Homepage - Here you can find white papers and
technical documents regarding the APCO-25 Digital public safety
project - on the APCO International Web Site
Users Accelerate Move To Project 25 Systems, Technology - An APCO
bulletin posted on the Motorola Web site. This outlines how many large
Public Safety agencies across the U.S. have chosen APCO-25 compliant
digital system for Public Safety communications. Gives examples of
which agencies have made the switch, and which agencies are about to.
APCO-25 Vendors and Equipment information

Motorola APCO Project 25 Homepage - Detailed information on Motorola's
Project 25 compatible solution called ASTRO.
Motorola ASTRO Radios - Pictures and description of ASTRO digital
mobiles and portables at Motorola's Web Site.
APCO-25 Decoding, Scanners, and other technical information

Digital Voice Systems Inc. Homepage - DVSI produces many of the
microprocessors, software, and vocoders used for public safety digital
voice systems. Lots of data sheets and information on this web site.
Motorola Encryption techniques - DVP, DES, Securenet, ASTRO, and
Fascinator are all discussed here.
http://www.p25.com/ - IFR's homepage designed to communicate the
latest information regarding APCO-25 Digital Testing technologies.
Much of the information here centers around the IFR 2975 Project 25
Service Monitor. Lots of good reference information here.
Interesting post - posted to Usenet regarding decoding APCO-25 digital
signals. This was written by a college student who was developing an
APCO-25 digital decoder as a class project. Although we never actually
saw anything come out of this, the information posted is very useful
non-the-less. Interesting Reading!
Digital Source Coding of Speech Signals - Great information on
vocoders, and the IMBE Vocoder standard developed by DVSI.
IMBE and AMBE Speech Compression - [PDF] - Article describing the
scientific theory behind the IMBE and AMBE Speech Compression
Vocoders. From the Engineering Electronic Times.
Different Types and Flavors of Motorola Systems

Types of Motorola Trunked Systems
Type I Systems - Motorola Type I Systems refer to the original
Motorola systems that were based on Fleets and Subfleets. Each system
had a certain number of Fleets assigned, and then each Fleet had a
certain number of Subfleets and radio ids. The distribution of Fleets
and Subfleets on a Type I system is determined by the system Fleetmap.
Motorola Type I systems are not scalable because they limit the amount
of IDs any fleet or subfleet can support.

Type II Systems - Motorola Type II systems refer to the the second
generation Motorola Trunking systems that replaced Fleets and
Subfleets with the concept of talkgroups and individual radio IDs.
There are no dependencies on Fleetmaps, therefore there are no
limitations to how many radio ids that can participate on a talkgroup.
This allows for greater flexibility for the agency.

Hybrid Systems - A Motorola Hybrid system has "blocks" of the system
that are Type I Fleets/Subfleets and Type II talkgroups. All radios
may be Type II, or the Type I radios might be used exclusively in
subfleets while the Type IIs are used exclusively in talkgroups.

Type IIi Systems - Motorola Type IIi Hybrid is a system that has Type
I fleets and subfleets, and has Type II radios that are able to use
those Type I fleet/subfleets. The common reason that an agency sets up
a Type IIi Hybrid system is because they have newer Type II radios
that they want to interoperate with older Type I radios, without
having to create new Type II talkgroups.

Type IIi Hybrid Systems - A mixture of Hybrid and IIi.

Flavors of Motorola Trunked Systems
Type I (Privacy Plus) - The term "Privacy Plus" refers to a Type I
system. Privacy Plus systems are normally older Public Safety systems
and SMRs (Specialized Mobile Radio - Businesses who rent out space on
trunking systems)

Type II (Smartnet ) - The term Smartnet refers to a set of features
made available for Public Safety users. This includes better security,
emergency signaling, dynamic regrouping, remote radio monitoring, and
other features. The following is true of a Type II Smartnet system.

- Up to 28 system channels
- Up to 65535 unique radio ids
- Up to 4000 talkgroups
- APCO 16 Compliant

SmartZone - SmartZone systems are Smartnet Type II systems that are
networked together via Microwave or Land-line to provide multi-site
wide area communications. Radios affiliate with a particular site, and
affiliate with a talkgroup which allows the radio to talk on that
talkgroup to other radios on other sites. Many large public safety and
state agencies use SmartZone system for wide area communications. The
following are the characteristics of a Motorola SmartZone system:

- Up to 28 channels per site
- Up to 65535 unique radio ids
- Up to 48 Sites
- Analog and/or Digital voice
- APCO 16 Compliant

Monitoring a SmartZone system with a Trunktracker is the same process
as monitoring any other Smartnet Type II system, except that you can
only monitor one site at a time. For you to monitor a specific
talkgroup on a SmartZone site, someone's radio must be affiliated to
that specific talkgroup. Therefore, if you are monitoring talkgroup
"POLICE-NORTH" on a site where no radios have that talkgroup
affiliated, then you will not hear any communications on that
talkgroup until a radio affiliates to that talkgroup.

SmartZone OmniLink - SmartZone OmniLink provides a broad range of
robust system features and utilizes a distributed call processing
architecture which links up to four multi-site SmartZone™
systems together into one seamless network, supporting up to 192
sites. Typical users of SmartZone OmniLink systems include
organizations who have vast geographic requirements -- such as
Electric and Gas Companies, and extremely Large Public Safety

Simulcast - The term simulcast refers to the process of setting up
multiple repeaters to transmit exactly the same communications on the
same frequency. Many agencies setup Simulcast systems to increase
coverage of their single site Motorola system. 1 Site
Controller....multiple transmitters. Cells within multi-site
SmartZone systems can also be setup as simulcast.

ASTRO - ASTRO is the trademark name for Motorola's Digital
Communications Solution. The original Motorola ASTRO implementation
uses the standard SmartZone 3600 baud data channel, and the digital
voice solution is based on the Motorola proprietary VSELP vocoder. For
more information, see the APCO-25 and Digital Trunking Information

ASTRO CAI - Motorola's APCO-25 compatible Digital Trunking Solution.
This implementation uses the standard SmartZone 3600 baud data
channel, and the digital voice solution is based on the APCO-25 IMBE
vocoder. For more information, see the APCO-25 and Digital Trunking
Information Page.

ASTRO-25 - Motorola's implementation of the Project 25 Digital
Trunking standard, which uses the TIA 9600 baud control channel. For
more information, see the APCO-25 and Digital Trunking Information

Motorola Trunked Infrastructure Versions
Version Description
2.7 Analog/Securenet SmartZone, adds VOC, ACC and other new
infrastructure features.
2.0.3 Astro/Analog/Securenet VSELP SmartZone
3.0 3600 Astro/analog IMBE SmartZone
3.5 3600 Omnilink (multiple zone support)
4.1 Latest 3600 Omnilink release (replaces OL 3.5. product lifecycle
replacements and updates for several products, including 6809->MTC3600
5.0 First P25 9600 infrastructure release, 800 only
5.1 Adds Simulcast and telephone interconnect to 5.0, 800 only
6.0 Adds IP transport of audio on network to 5.1, lifecycle updates
and replacements for several products including, Intellisite repeaters
replace Intellirepeaters for new installations. MGEG replaces DIU for
console vocoder
6.1 Adds (non-simulcast) VHF/UHF P25 trunking to 6.0. Encrypted MGEG.
XTS-2500, XTS-5000 subscribers.
6.2 Adds improved (APCO "explicit mode") support for VHF/UHF P25
trunking, 700 MHz
6.3 P25 Simulcast/voting supported in VHF/UHF/700/800 , P25 trunked
user data
notes 3.X and 4.X are APCO common air interface (CAI) compliant.
5.X and 6.X are compliant with both APCO CAI and APCO trunking

Motorola Systems Technical Notes

Converting Motorola Talkgroups
Type II talkgroup IDs come in three flavors:

Uniden Trunktracker format such as 41072.
ID Range: (0 - 65504)
Motorola 3 digit Hex variety such as A07.
ID Range: (000 - FFE)

Motorola 6 digit decimal variety such as 802567.
ID Range: (800000 - 804094)

In the following formulas, M3 represents a Motorola 3 digit Hex format
value, M6 represents a Motorola 6 digit decimal format value, and U
represents a Uniden format value.

The notation Dec_to_Hex(X) means convert X to its Hex equivalent.
The notation Hex_to_Dec(X) means convert X to its Decimal equivalent.
To convert Use this Formula
---------- -----------------

M6 to U (M6 - 800000)*16 = U
M6 to M3 Dec_to_Hex(M6 - 800000) = M3
M3 to U Hex_to_Dec(M3)*16 = U
M3 to M6 Hex_to_Dec(M3) + 800000 = M6
U to M3 Dec_to_Hex(U/16) = M3
U to M6 U/16 + 800000 = M6


Convert the M6 format ID, 802617 to U format:
(802617 - 800000)*16 = 41872

Convert the M6 format ID, 802617 to M3 format:
Dec_to_Hex(802617 - 800000) => Dec_to_Hex(2617) = A39

Convert the M3 format ID, A39 to U format:
Hex_to_Dec(A39)*16 => 2617*16 = 41872

Convert the M3 format ID, A39 to M6 format:
Hex_to_Dec(A39) + 800000 => 2617 + 800000 = 802617

Convert the U format ID, 41872 to M3 format:
Dec_to_Hex(41872/16) => Dec_to_Hex(2617) = A39

Convert the U format ID, 41872 to M6 format:
41872/16 + 800000 = 802617

Type II System Special Status Bits
Type II Smartnet systems use these status bits for special
transmissions such as Emergency, Patches, DES/DVP scrambled
transmissions, and Multiselects on Motorola Trunking systems. Motorola
Trunking radios directly interpret them for their special functions,
thus no difference is noticed by the person with the radio. The
Trunktracker scanners however interpret these special talkgroup status
bits as different talkgroups entirely. Below is the conversion chart
for these special status bits.

TTID + # Usage
ID+0 Normal Talkgroup
ID+1 All Talkgroup
ID+2 Emergency
ID+3 talkgroup patch to another
ID+4 Emergency Patch
ID+5 Emergency multi-group
ID+6 Not assigned
ID+7 Multi-select (initiated by dispatcher)
ID+8 DES Encryption talkgroup
ID+9 DES All Talkgroup
ID+10 DES Emergency
ID+11 DES Talkgroup patch
ID+12 DES Emergency Patch
ID+13 DES Emergency multi-group
ID+14 Not assigned
ID+15 Multi-select DES TG

Therefore, if a user was transmitting a multi-select call on talkgroup
1808, the trunktracker would actually receive those transmissions on
1815. Some common uses of these status bits are as follows:

When a user hits their emergency button, all conversations on the
talkgroup revert to the Emergency status talkgroup (ID+2) until the
dispatch clears the emergency status. Therefore, if someone hit their
emergency button and their radio was on talkgroup 16, all
communications would switch to talkgroup 18.
A lot of Fire and EMS departments dispatch tone-outs an alarms as
Multi-select communications (ID+7). Therefore, if your fire department
dispatch talkgroup is 1616, and they do dispatch tone-outs and alarms
as Multi-selects, then those communications will be on talkgroup 1623.
This can be a problem, because you will miss communications if you
don't have those talkgroups programmed. By setting the Type II block
you are monitoring with a fleetmap of S-1 (Mot Size A), you'll
essentially get Type I subfleets for each Type II talkgroup -
encompassing all of the status bits into one subfleet.

Type I Block Size Codes
These size codes are used for fleet mapping Type I Systems

Motorola A B C D E F G H I J K M O Q
Trunktracker S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14
Trunker.exe A B C D E F G H I J K L M N

Size Code Parameters

Motorola TT Trunker.exe Fleets Subfleets Ids
A S1 A 128 4 16
B S2 B 16 8 54
C S3 C 8 8 128
D S4 D 1 16 512
E S5 E 64 4 32
F S6 F 32 8 32
G S7 G 32 4 64
H S8 H 16 4 128
I S9 I 8 4 256
J S10 J 4 8 256
K S11 K 2 16 256
M S12 L 1 16 1024
O S13 M 1 16 2048
Q S14 N 1 16 4096

EDACS Trunking Information


EDACS Overview

EDACS was created by General Electric and then further engineered by
Ericsson. The EDACS technology has changed numerous owners and now is
currently owned by M/A Com.

EDACS is a lot similar to Motorola trunking. It provides for the same
features yet has different names for them. Simulcast networks work the
same yet EDACS networks, which are similar to AMSS networks, are all
independent of each other but still interconnected. A radio is
programmed with each system independently and selects each system
based on control channel quality. Rather than have a site number a
system is basically assigned a simple number to differentiate it.

Motorola uses a specific bandplan or a complicated frequency defined
system to assign frequencies. EDACS uses what are called Logical
Channel Numbers [LCN]. Rather than assign a frequency with a specific
identifier, each frequency at a site is assigned a number between 1
through 21. When a channel announcement occurs it contains only the
LCN. With this in mind each radio must be programmed with which
frequency corresponds to which LCN.

Digital communications is also available for EDACS systems and exists
in two different formats, AEGIS and Pro Voice. AEGIS was the first
format introduced and Pro Voice was the last and current format.
Neither one is APCO-25 compliant unlike Motorola’s ASTRO, which
is. Also, neither AEGIS nor Pro-Voice can communicate with each other.

EDACS Whitepaper - (PDF Format) - This is an excellent whitepaper
written by Com-Net Ericsson regarding how EDACS systems work, EDACS
technologies overview, and other technical details of an EDACS


EDACS Talkgroups Conversions
The Uniden EDACS format: (Agency Fleet Subfleet)

Using this example (586 DECIMAL = 04-092 AFS = 24a HEX):

(1) 586 decimal = 01001001010 binary (talkgroups are 11-bit binary)
(2) Split the binary as follows 0100 | 1001 | 010
(3) Convert each group to decimal 04 09 2
(4) Format as 04-092

The HEX translation would be:

(1) 586 decimal = 01001001010 binary
(2) Split binary as 010 | 0100 | 1010
(3) Convert each group to HEX 2 4 a
(4) Write as 24a

The BC245 can do the DECIMAL/AFS conversion internally, and the
user can choose either mode of entry and display. So it won't
be necessary to do this by hand.

See this link for an Conversion Table to help with these conversions
between AFS, DEC and HEX.
See this link for an Excel Spreadsheet to convert talkgroups for you.
(Thanks to ***@sprynet.com)


EDACS Fleet mapping

Establishing a fleet map structure dictates the max number of agency
and fleet calls which can be assigned. Within the fleet map structure,
the more agencies that are setup, the more agency calls that can be
assigned. The same is true for fleet calls. To enhance each agencies
flexibility, you can have different fleet and subfleet structures for
each agency to suit specific radio communications requirements

A group call is addresses using a Group ID (GID). The GID is composed
of 11 bits to define a total of 2048 max groups. The fleet map is
structures for each agency to suit their specific requirements.

Maximum of 5 bits to be used for agencies
Minimum of 1 bit to be used for fleets
Minimum of 2 bits to be used for subfleets
Some examples of the possible fleetmaps are shown below (similar to
Motorola Fleetmaps)

Agencies Fleets Subfleets
2 32 32
2 16 64
2 8 128
2 4 256
4 32 16
8 8 32
8 16 16
16 16 8

The most common fleet map used by EDACS systems is 8 (3 bits)
agencies, 16 (4 bits) fleets and 16 (4 bits) subfleets. If we take a
couple of examples of group calls, you can easily see how simple the
fleet structure really is.

Using a 3/4/4 structure, we can now partition the 11 bit Group ID
(GID) as follows:

_ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _

Agency Fleet Subfleet

Binary examples are shown below:

Agency 1, Fleet 1, Subfleet 1 (GID 273 Decimal)

0 0 1 / 0 0 0 1 / 0 0 0 1

Agency 1, Fleet 1, Subfleet 15 (GID 287 Decimal)

0 0 1 / 0 0 0 1 / 1 1 1 1

A group call for Agency 1, Fleet 1, Subfleet 0 (GID 272) is a Fleet
group call. All subfleets in Agency 1, Fleet 1 will respond to the
call. A binary representation is as follows:

0 0 1 / 0 0 0 1 / 0 0 0 0

When an EDACS radio sees the fleet call assignment (GID 272), it
immediately associates Subfleet 0 as being a Fleet call for Agency 1,
Fleet 1. If the radio's channel selector is on a subfleet within
Agency 1, Fleet 1, the radio hears the call.

A group call for Agency 1, Fleet 0, Subfleet 0 (GID 256) represents an
Agency Group call. All fleets and subfleets in Agency 1 will respond
to the call. A binary representation is as follows:

0 0 1 / 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 0 0

When the radio sees the Fleet call assignment (GID 256), it will
immediately associate Fleet 0, Subfleet 0 as being an Agency call for
Agency 1. If the radio's channel know is on a subfleet within Agency
1, the radio will automatically hear the call on GID 256.

This type of fleet mapping ensures Agency Fleet calls under failure
mode of operation (such if the Site Controller were to fail)


EDACS Misc. Information

A detailed list from Ericsson outlining all agencies and users
currently using EDACS systems today. This isn't up to date, but useful
On your various EDACS systems TG in the 07f0-07ff (Hex) are patches,
either TG-TG or otherwise. This appears to be a standard range for
EDACS systems.
GTRAC Homepage - Lots of good information about EDACS systems across
the nation
Using Etrunker to monitor your local EDACS system, then make sure you
read this:
All EDACS systems have 25 real LCN channel frequencies, and then an
additional six 'status' channels that show up under Etrunk. They are
actual frequencies, but they indicate a certain status message to the
calling radio. Here is what I have added to all my EDACS system

s DOWNLINK,1a,ffff,0
s RESERVED,1b,ffff,0
s CONVERTc,1c,ffff,0
s QUEUEDid,1d,ffff,0
s SYS-BUSY,1e,ffff,0
s DENIEDid,1f,ffff,0

I'm not too sure about the first two, but CONVERTc is used to tell a
who PTTs while there talkgroup is active, and sends them to listen to
talkgroup, giving them an error beep as well. QUEUEDid is where a
radio will be placed if they are waiting for a next available voice
or phone patch, etc. SYS-BUSY, means the system is busy, no channels
available, and somebody is in the Queue. DENIEDid is if that radio ID
not allowed on the system for some reason.


EDACS Equipment Information

MA/COM Wireless Corp Homepage - The homepage for the MA/Com Wireless
Corp, which designs, develops, and implements EDACS systems and
Racom Inc. - Distributors of Ericsson EDACS equipment. See this link
to their products and services page which has detailed information on
Ericsson EDACS mobile and portable radios.
Hall Electronics GETECH Page - Lots of detailed information on
progamming Com-Net Ericsson Radio equipment here. Cable pin-outs,
connections, software versions etc can be found at this page for most
of Com-Net Ericsson's radio equipment.


EDACS System Overview
Enhanced Digital Access Communications System (EDACS) is available in
VHF, UHF, 800 and 900 frequency bands and wideband (25 kHz) and
narrowband (12.5 kHz) configurations. This spectrum resource provided
a springboard for the development of trunking systems. Public service
radio manufactures working with Associated Public-Safety
Communications Officers (APCO) developed a requirements document (APCO
16) for trunked radio systems.

EDACS provides coordinated communication between agencies and
integrates all services; Dispatch, Secure Voice, Telephone and Data
within a single common communication system. EDACS systems have a
single control channel communicating between the system and the field
radios. These configurations range from Basic EDACS to EDACS Level 4,
consisting of Voted and Simulcast Systems. An EDACS Multisite Network
links Systems together via a Multisite Controller (MSC) or Integrated
Multisite and Console Controller (IMC).

There are two types of radio channel designations are used in EDACS:
One of them is the Control Channel and the other is the Working
Channel. The Control Channel is used to send digital data between
sites to the radios. This data is continually transmitted to the field
units. The Working Channels sends voice and data over the air.

Control Channel
Used for continuous data (full duplex) Inbound and Outbound 9600/4800
bits per second.

Working Channel

Up to 23 per Site
Voice and Data
Data message 9600/4800 bits per second.
Low Speed Data for updating units: Analog Calls 150 Bits per sec,
Individual and scan group calls
Units will send 75Hz and 150Hz Trunked Unit Transmitting.

Failsoft Trunking
Control Channel GETC must be reset to bring site out of Failsoft
Manual or Remote accomplished.
Failsoft sites can work in Multisite configuration less than .5 second
Channel Access.
If NO Working Channel available the Call goes into Queuing an
available channel.

Data Rate
Wide Band (25/30) kHz: 9600 baud
Narrow Band (12.5) kHz 4800 baud

Data Synchronization
9600 Baud Rate at 0.1 bit (0.01ms)
150 Baud Rate at 0.01 bit (0.06ms)

Audio Equalization
Amplitude of 0.25 dB (300-3000Hz)
Phase of 25 degrees (600-2600 Hz)

Channel Access
Channel Access Time: Less than 500 ms

Timing and Distance Limitations
Max ISI Time: 52 uS (Allowing for 10 uS of Jitter)
Max Site Separation: 7.8 miles (Without Timing Adjustments)
Velocity of Propagation: 3.0 X 10E8 m/s
9600 Baud Period: 104 uS

Path Requirements
Bell Standard T1 or DS1 Grade Circuits Via: Digital Microwave - Fiber
Optic - Phase Stable Analog Multiplex / Microwave

Logical ID
Total Number of Logical Address Schemes: 16,384 (0 to 16,383)
Logical ID uses 14 bits
Used for System Validation
LID 0: Test Unit when making Test Calls
LID < 64 for Host Computers or Mainframe
LID > 100 for Consoles

Group ID
Total Number of Group Address Scheme: 0 to 2048

Physical ID
Each Radio has a Physical ID
20 bits Physical ID
1,048,576 possibilities

Simultaneous Broadcast by two or more transmitters located at
different sites operating on the same RF Frequency. A Simulcast
trunked system requires the same number of channels with a common set
of RF Frequencies at each site. For this reason, alignment of
simulcast systems become very important.

The ability of an FM Discriminator to lock on the incoming signal: RF
Level 1 > RF Level 2 by 12

LTR stands for "Logical Trunked Radio." LTR systems typically do not
have a dedicated control channel. Each repeater has its own
controller, and all of these controllers are synchronized together.
Even though each controller monitors it's own channel, one of the
channel controllers is assigned to be a master that all controllers
report to. Each of these controllers sends out a data burst
approximately every 10 seconds so that the subscriber units know that
the system is there.

This is how you can tell that the system you are listening to is using
LTR. On every channel in the system you will hear this data burst, to
a scanner user it will sound like a short blip of static like someone
keyed up and unkeyed a radio within about 500 msec. This data burst
is not sent at the same time by all the channels, but happen randomly
throughout all the system channels.

There are two flavors of LTR systems available today:

LTR Regular Systems - typically designed for SMR type operations,
business etc
LTR MultiNet Systems - EFJohnson's Multi-Net II system offers a full
set of features for the public safety market. These features include
the following: an emergency system access switch, the ability to set
priority levels, priority queuing, and the ability to operate in the
conventional mode if the need arises. All EFJohnson Multi-Net II
systems follow the technical guidelines documented in the APCO 16
LTR Talkgroups

LTR Talkgroups are in the following format


Area Home Group
1 05 001

Links to LTR Information

An Introduction to LTR Trunking concepts - an excellent technical
overview on how LTR systems work.

An LTR Data Slicer Circuit. This could be used to develop a LTR
decoder in the future. Also in JPG Format here.
The LCN assignment for a 5 channel system is usually 1 5 9 13 17 for
trunktracking scanners. This is especially important for the new
BC-780XLT Scanner.
TETRA Trunking Information



TETRA is the new standard for digital trunked radio systems, that is
changing the nature of the Professional Mobile Radio business. The
standard is defined by ETSI to meet the needs of the most demanding
Professional Mobile Radio users in their dynamically evolving
environment. TETRA has already captured global attention, following
the in footsteps of the GSM standard.

TETRA Facts and Overview - Brief overview and history of the Tetra
Digital Trunked Radio Standard

Links to TETRA Information

The TETRA MOU Homepage - this is the web site for the TETRA MOU
(Memorandum of Understanding) which is the organization responsible
for developing and publishing the TETRA Digital Trunked Radio
Motorola's TETRA Homepage - lots of information here regarding
Motorola's entry into the TETRA market, news, information, and product
ETSI Telecom Standards - TETRA Information and technical documentation
on the ETSI Standards Website.
Tetra Digital Standard Information - Excellent web site run by Nokia
which outlines the Tetra standard and its uses for public safety and
commercial environments.



MPT-1327 Overview
MPT 1327 is a industry standard for trunked radio communications
networks. It was developed in 1988 by the British Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI), and is primarily used in the UK, Europe, South
Africa, and Australia.

Systems based on MPT 1327 generally consist of several radio channels.
At least one of these channels is defined as the CC (control channel)
and all other channels are TCs (traffic channels). Data messages
between mobiles and the network are exchanged on the control channel
at 1200 bit/s. Each subscriber in an MPT-1327 trunked radio network
has a unique call number. It consists of a prefix (3 digits), the
fleet number (4 digits) and the subscriber&#8217;s call number within
the fleet (2 or 3 digits). After it has been entered the call number
will be converted in the mobile to a 20 bit address.

For the duration of his call a subscriber is exclusively allocated a
traffic channel from the available trunk.

The different types of communications on an MPT-1327 network and their

Traffic types:

Mobile-mobile in a cell
Mobile-mobile in different cells
Mobile-line access unit via landline or radio
Mobile-dispatcher station via landline or radio
Mobile-PABX, Mobile-PSTN
Data Communication:

Status messages on the CC (5 bit data length)
Short data messages on the CC (186 bit data length)
Transparent data transmission on the TC (data communication).

Point to point connections
Group calls with talk entitlement
Group calls without talk entitlement
Additional MPT-1327 Information on the web
MPT-1327 System Description - Detailed information on MPT-1327 systems
at this link

MPT-1327 and TETRA Trunked Radio Systems Info - Information can be
found here for these two type of trunking protocols (used mainly in

MPT-1327 Decoding and Tracking
For MPT-1327/1343 Systems, there is an excellent decoding and
monitoring kit available using the FTrunk application - see the
following link for more details:


The WinRadio suite of digital decoding applications also supports the
MPT-1327 protocol. Check out the following link for more information
on the WinRadio digital decoding suite of products.

2003-12-25 22:50:20 UTC
Good site


The simplest explanation:

Trunking dynamically assigns pooled frequencies within the
electromagnetic spectrum, on an as-needed basis. Assignment of a
frequency, or channel, is done via some form of digital signaling.
LTR, SmarTrunk, EDACS, MARC-V, MPT, TETRA, iDEN, and traditional
Motorola trunking are examples of the types of trunking currently

Here&#8217;s an example of Trunking using a real life experience:

Say you need to go to the bank to visit a teller. The bank has fifteen
teller windows but this time of the day the traffic is slow so some
windows are open, and available for any entering customer, and some
busy. As a customer enters the bank he or she simply proceeds to an
open window and begins their transaction. Now the day grows later and
traffic begins to pick up. Numerous customers enter the bank at a pace
quicker than any transaction between a customer and teller so a line,
or queue, is created. This type of queue basically works on the
principle of first come, first served. In the computer world this is
referred to as First In-First Out, or FIFO.

Applying that example to trunking makes the bank the central
controller (Because they create the queue and process requests), the
teller is the channel (Where communication occurs), and the line is
the busy queue.

Another form of trunking, though used in the background, is the modern
telephone network (PSTN). The telephone, when idle, does not have a
permanent link anywhere but its switch; it&#8217;s only when a called
number is available (When CCS is used) that a trunk will be assigned.
In the older days of analog and in-band signaling, as soon as a number
was dialed, a path, or trunk, was created. In a nutshell, paths
between switches are referred to as trunks. They are assigned on an
as-needed basis.

Trunking currently exists within the United States on only the
following bands: VHF, UHF, 220, 800, and 900MHz. There are plans to
develop another band, specifically for Public Safety, on 700MHz.

More on Motorola trunking and trunking in general:

Most dominant forms of trunking (Motorola or EDACS) use a channel
within the system to announce activity. This is referred to as the
Control Channel, which is the voice of the Central Controller. The
controller listens for inbound traffic on one frequency and
retransmits network data via another frequency, typically the
frequency&#8217;s offset. For VHF or UHF, further described here, the
offset frequency can vary, and may be lower or higher than the base
station&#8217;s frequency. For 800MHz the controller listens on the
lower frequency (Commonly 806 to 824MHz) with a split of 45MHz. For
900MHz the controller also listens on the lower frequency, with a
split of 39Mhz.

Data communication via the control channel uses signaling words. These
are simply blocks of 1&#8217;s and 0&#8217;s formatted to the
signaling protocol. A signaling word is commonly referred to as either
an ISW (Inbound Signaling Word), which is sent from the subscriber, or
OSW (Outbound Signaling Word), which is sent by the control channel.

The Central Controller is the primary processor and decision-maker for
the network. (Much larger networks, such as SmartZone, use a master
controller called the Zone Controller [ZC]. The ZC manages each
central controller at each site.) It assigns frequencies based on
which are available and in service. It also designates who uses the
system and who does not. Each and every type of network has a variety
of services available, which the central controller will manage.

To communicate through a trunked network conversations are styled
after the old conventional method of radio communication, which
involved speaking to a group. In order to coordinate and
differentiate, a number is permanently, and in some cases temporarily,
assigned to this conversation. This number is called a talkgroup. The
talkgroup is simply a group&#8217;s address. Anything addressing the
group will be heard by every subscriber associated with that group,
regardless of what frequency they are on. Talkgroup calls fall under
the category of the Dispatch designation. Equipment usually has
designations for the types of calls such as dispatch, individual, or
telephone interconnect.

With trunked radio subscribers are unaware of what frequency they are
on or their true activity on the system. The radio is responsible for
keeping track of where to go and what to do. To identify a specific
radio an individual number is associated with that radio, called a
radio or individual id. This allows for the controller to allow or
reject users based on its subscriber access control database [SAC]. An
individual radio id is a lot like a computer network logon name except
that each time a subscriber makes a call, or changes channels, its
radio id is authenticated, and possibly logged.

Just as a group can be addressed via its talkgroup, a radio can also
be specifically addressed. It can either be an administrative feature,
such as to shut the radio off (Selective Inhibit) in the event it is
lost or stolen, or it can be a call request. A call between individual
radios is called a Private Call. A private call is only heard by the
individual radios and occurs without the knowledge of any other
subscriber on the network.

There is another form of group, which is used to represent a pool of
talkgroups. It is commonly referred to as an ATG (All Talkgroup) or
MultiGroup. A MultiGroup is created within the SAC and is then
associated with specific groups. This is mainly for reference purposes
and does not influence how a MultiGroup operates. A MultiGroup is more
for subscriber use. When a radio is programmed a personality is
created with a list of talkgroups, fifteen total. This personality can
then be assigned one MultiGroup. When the subscriber selects the
MultiGroup they will hear traffic for whichever talkgroup is
associated with that MultiGroup via its programming. If a subscriber
transmits on the MultiGroup, the call goes out on that talkgroup id
but is marked as a MultiGroup. The receiving radios are constantly
scanning the control channel for their associated talkgroups and the
MultiGroup associated with them. The radio is simply the device which
makes the MultiGroup function properly.

In addition to calling a group of people or an individual radio, a
link to a landline can be created. A properly programmed and enabled
radio can hit a button or navigate a menu to initiate a telephone call
to the outside world.

A party via landline may also call an individual radio or talkgroup.
The calling party will be prompted for a form of identification for
the group or radio, and then routed to their destination.

Subscriber radios can also send pages to other subscriber radios. This
feature is called Call Alert. A subscriber simply selects, or manually
enters a radio id, and presses their PTT button. If the target radio
is currently monitoring the control channel it will alert the
subscriber through an on-screen icon or by a repeating tone, similar
to a pager. Call Alerts only occur over the control channel and use
very little resources.

When a talkgroup needs to be temporarily assigned for a specific
event, or to wrangle specific radios together, radios are dynamically
regrouped. Initial programming of the radio should provide a mode
specifically for dynamic regrouping. This mode is typically empty and
will give a warning tone if a subscriber selects it. Once the radio
receives the dynamic regroup command will that mode be populated with
a talkgroup id.

In addition to temporarily creating a group a subscriber radio may be
sent a command referred to as selector lock. Selector lock pushes
radios over to the dynamic regroup channel and locks them there. Any
mode change by the subscriber will not move them off that mode.

More sophisticated networks will have consoles attached to them. The
console is what a dispatcher uses to access talkgroups on the network,
in addition they can access conventional equipment if needed. Consoles
are connected to the network via a direct link giving them direct
access to resources. Consoles have the option to monitor multiple
talkgroups at the same time. Talkgroups are seen on a
dispatcher&#8217;s screen as icons. The icon shows the alias name and
the last radio id that transmitted on that talkgroup.

The software, which consoles operate with, is called Radio Dispatch
Management [RDM]. RDM allows the dispatcher to perform their normal
dispatching plus issue commands such as patching of talkgroups,
private calling subscribers, issuing a temporarily broadcast to
multiple talkgroups called a MultiSelect, dynamically regrouping
radios, and other various administrative commands.

As previously mentioned, when a dispatcher would like to link multiple
talkgroups together they create a patch. There are two ways a patch
may operate, the first is resource intensive and involves placing a
call to each individual talkgroup tying up many frequencies. This is
only used when older radios are used on the system that cannot
recognize the newer form of patching. The second, and newer method,
involves placing one call, using one frequency, and allows the
subscriber radio to do the work. A command is sent out over the
control channel announcing a patch has occurred. There are multiple
announcements, which the radio will link together. The initial group
where the patch was initiated on is called the SuperGroup and is
identified in each announcement.

Another form of patching, yet really not a patch, is a MultiSelect
[MSEL]. MultiSelect is used by the Dispatcher to broadcast a message
to multiple talkgroups but without the need for subscribers to reply.
With patching, the patch is up for however long the Dispatcher would
like it to be. A MultiSelect only lasts for as long as the Dispatcher
makes the call. A MultiSelect announcement may operate in two forms,
similar to patching.

Along with consoles, a CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system can be
integrated into the network. A feature of trunked radio allows a
subscriber radio to update the CAD with their current status. Either
Status or Messaging is enabled within the radio, then assigned an
alias as to which status button determines which action. When an
officer arrives on-scene he can simply push a button on the radio,
which would in turn send the message in via the control channel. The
controller would then receive it and notify the CAD with the
officer&#8217;s status. With conventional radio MDC-1200 was used for
status messaging. The purpose for both is essentially the same.

Considering all conversations are virtual, and not strapped to any
physical channel, the system may be upgraded or downgraded based on
operator needs. A radio simply needs to know the control channels (Up
to four per site), its radio id, and the talkgroup it is allowed to
access. Everything else within the system is available to be changed
as needed.

Most common networks will have four to twenty-eight channels available
for trunking. With networks such as SmartZone you can have a single
channel site which uses Voice On Control [VOC]. VOC allows the Control
Channel to momentarily become a voice channel. VOC is only used for
low traffic sites. EDACS has a similar feature called SCAT. It
operates in essentially the same manner.

A typical single site system is made up of a cabinet and multiple
repeaters, which are all linked via RS-232C. The cabinet itself is
where all the action happens. There are several cards which are
responsible for processing inbound subscriber requests, channel
status, control channel format and selecting the proper control
channel, and the actual processor. Adding features like encryption or
telephone interconnect adds additional hardware. Each voice channel in
the network must specifically be equipped for telephone interconnect
or encryption. Whether the controller is Privacy Plus or SmartNet,
it&#8217;s all simply firmware.

Once Wide Area Coverage is needed the site can be upgraded to
Simulcast. A Simulcast network has multiple sites operating on the
same frequencies. With Motorola networks you are limited to a total of
ten sites in the subnetwork. Out of the ten there will be one
designated as the prime site. All site audio from your satellite sites
will be routed to this site. Each site will have a voting receiver
except the prime site, which will have both a voting receiver and

Simulcast works on a simple principle of broadcasting the same traffic
at each site. In order for a clean signal, and to prevent multicasting
(Where two signals mix together deconstructively), you must provide a
reference clock. This makes sure each site transmits a frequency at
the exact or near the same time (Making the waveforms identical).
Typically GPS time is used as the reference and fed to the oscillator,
which produces the pulse train used as a clock. In lower budget system
a simple frequency generator is used.

Simulcast works in cooperation with Receiver Voting. This is where the
prime site comes into play. When each satellite site forwards its
audio to the prime site, the prime site&#8217;s comparator compares or
votes which site has the best audio, then resends it to every site to
be rebroadcasted. The principles of Simulcast and stand-alone Receiver
Voting are used in the same manner as in conventional radio.
Configuration of Simulcast networks is highly involved and well beyond
the scope of this document.

When sites are not properly timed a whining or echo effect can be
heard. This can often be heard on the Control Channel without much

SpectraTAC, DigiTAC, and ASTROTAC are all forms of receiver voting
systems. The TAC in the product name stands for Total Area Coverage.
Each one of these receivers supports specific audio types because the
receiver must know how to differentiate signal quality for each
transmission type.

SpectraTAC is used for analog voice networks. DigiTAC is used for both
analog and 12kbit encryption. It never does decode the encryption; it
simply keeps the timing correct so the output encryption transmission
can be properly decrypted. ASTROTAC supports all the former in
addition to ASTRO digital modulation. Each receiver type is available
for either conventional or trunked communication networks. A good way
to identify each type of receiver is the soft clicking at the end of
the conversation. SpectraTAC networks have the most distinguishable

In the event frequency reuse is not available due to picky frequency
coordination, AMSS (Automatic Multiple Site Selection) or SmartZone
can be used. AMSS does not seem to be installed anymore, though there
are a few systems still being operated. Motorola may no longer market
it due to SmartZone being the most profitable.

With AMSS each individual site is seen as an independent site and
given its own external site number. Each site has its own central
controller, though it operates in a remote configuration. Each
controller is essentially connected to each other and cannot operate
independently. A site can have any number of channels based on the
needs of the network. One thing to keep in mind with these types of
systems is how to handle sites that do not have an equal amount of
channels. If one site has five channels, and is currently busy, yet
another site has ten channels, and a subscriber wishes to talk on a
group not currently in progress, you must choose how this is handled.
You can either allow the call to be granted, which busy sites will
miss, or you can have the call put into the busy queue while it waits
for the other site(s) to become available.

There were no specific features available with AMSS. [Correct me if I
am wrong.]

Moving up the network ladder we encounter SmartZone. SmartZone
basically networks together all the trunked systems we have discussed
so far including conventional repeaters. A SmartZone network is a
network of multiple trunked systems, which are all linked together and
controlled by a central point. As mentioned before, this central point
is the Zone Controller.

SmartZone introduces a whole new slew of equipment. One significant
piece of equipment is the Ambassador Electronics Bank [AEB]. The AEB
is basically a switch. After the ZC determines which sites need which
audio it instructs the AEB to open audio paths to each site.

Along with SmartZone came ASTRO. ASTRO is simply Motorola&#8217;s form
of digital voice transmission and the features that can be provided by
it. Keep in mind ASTRO is not restricted to SmartZone. A single site
or Simulcast network can use ASTRO as long as each station is, of
course, a Quantar, and particular conditions are met. The backplane of
the Central Controller&#8217;s cabinet is limited to a certain extent.
An example of a limitation is the number of Simulcast sites.

With ASTRO and single site networks they must be configured with or
without consoles, or with or without Simulcast. If you use Simulcast
or Receiver Voting you cannot support consoles. If you want to allow
for consoles you cannot Simulcast the network.

Back to SmartZone&#8230; Another new product, which became available
with SmartZone, was the IntelliRepeater [IR]. An IR is simply a hopped
up Quantar that can perform the role of a central controller.

Traditional sites used a controller that utilized the 6809
microprocessor. With the IR, firmware enables the station to become a
bare bones central controller. Considering this situation a site in a
SmartZone network can either be an IR or a 6809 site. Note: IR sites
do not support Simulcast. Also, VOC may or may not be limited to IR

There are limits to the number of sites that are available on the
network. The Zone Controller backplane has a total of sixty-four ports
that can support a few different type of connections. They can be
consoles, sites, business exchanges, etc. Most SmartZone networks will
have consoles included in the network so the number of ports available
for sites becomes reduced. Communication is via RS-232C I believe.

With the introduction of encryption, or ASTRO, to a SmartZone network
very minimal hardware is needed unless consoles are to be used.
Consoles have a wireline link to the SmartZone network and are simply
routed audio directly from the site where it is received. Considering
the network never decodes and demodulates the voice traffic extra
hardware must be introduced to perform that feature for the console.
For ASTRO decoding a DIU (Digital Interface Unit) is used. For analog
12kbit encryption, a CIU (Console Interface Unit) is used. (DIUs or
CIUs were purely designed for consoles and communicate through a
non-publicly documented protocol. You cannot simply purchase one to
decrypt encryption, even if you have the key, or decode ASTRO

Much of a SmartZone network is multiplexed. To mux and demux you use
CEBs (Central Electronics Bank) and DBLs (Data Broadcast Link).
Consoles are connected via CEBs. [Can anyone provide more info on CEBs
or DBLs?]

For support of telephone interconnection the Motorola Business
Exchange must be used for interfacing with a PBX or the PSTN.

There are a host of features that are available with SmartZone, some
which are covered on another page. Otherwise, SmartZone networks are
highly configurable and can accomplish most any organization&#8217;s
needs. Now if only certain administrators could figure out how to
properly run them and maintain them. The SmartZone System
Administrator&#8217;s User Manual is nearly four inches thick, though
a good read.

When you need an even larger coverage area, and larger site capacity,
SmartZone OmniLink is utilized. OmniLink is an extension of SmartZone.
It adds support for interconnecting up to three (Or is it four?) ZCs.
In addition, there is the need to support roaming, where a radio from
one zone roams onto another zone. Being each ZC has its own database
of users and talkgroups there must be some form of communication and
arrangement between ZCs. OmniLink supports up to 192 sites.


EDACS was created by General Electric and then further engineered by
Ericsson. The EDACS technology has changed numerous owners and now is
currently owned by M/A Com.

EDACS is a lot similar to Motorola trunking. It provides for the same
features yet has different names for them. Simulcast networks work the
same yet EDACS networks, which are similar to AMSS networks, are all
independent of each other but still interconnected. A radio is
programmed with each system independently and selects each system
based on control channel quality. Rather than have a site number a
system is basically assigned a simple number to differentiate it.

Motorola uses a specific bandplan or a complicated frequency defined
system to assign frequencies. EDACS uses what are called Logical
Channel Numbers [LCN]. Rather than assign a frequency with a specific
identifier, each frequency at a site is assigned a number between 1
through 21. When a channel announcement occurs it contains only the
LCN. With this in mind each radio must be programmed with which
frequency corresponds to which LCN.

Digital communications is also available but exists in two formats,
AEGIS and Pro Voice. AEGIS was the first format introduced and Pro
Voice was the last and current format. Neither one is APCO-25
compliant unlike Motorola&#8217;s ASTRO, which is. Also, neither AEGIS
nor Pro-Voice can communicate with each other.


LTR, or Logic Trunked Radio, uses subaudible data that is superimposed
on each channel whether it is in service or idle. Each channel in the
network is configured with a logical channel number. Information about
activity and availability of resources is sent over the subaudible
stream. Older LTR systems were easily identified by a short keyup on
the transmitter. That use, which I believe was used to announce the
network, is no longer needed so you may not hear it. Currently, a
&#8216;chuff&#8217; sound, which is heard when a subscriber keys up,
is your best method for identifying LTR.

With LTR a subscriber is assigned a home repeater and will use that
repeater unless it is not available. He or she will then move to the
next repeater in line. Only group communication or telephone
interconnect are available. Radios are not assigned individual ids. If
the need for a one-to-one conversation is needed a group is created
and only programmed into a field unit and the base radio, which would
have everyone&#8217;s specific group id.

LTR is a signaling format that is licensed to multiple communications
manufacturers allowing them to produce both their own fixed end
equipment and subscriber radios. The signaling protocol is not openly
available for anyone to use unless granted permission.

EF Johnson, who was bought by Transcrypt International, developed LTR.
Due to the lack of features available to LTR it is strictly used by
commercial entities. This limitation brought the creation of MultiNet.
MultiNet still uses the subaudible data to perform signaling yet
dedicates one channel in the system as a source for a constant stream
of subaudible data, similar to a control channel for a Motorola
network. MultiNet adds features that were required by the APCO-16
standard, created for and by Public Safety organizations. See here for
a list of what those are.

I believe SmarTrunk uses a technology similar to LTR.


As the radio frequency spectrum became more crowded the FCC encouraged
trunked system operators on the 800MHz band to switch to digital
modulation as frequencies could be spaced closer together. Eventually
they would be required to go digital. Being the networks would be too
costly to upgrade to digital, plus digital subscriber radio prices are
outrageous, system operators sold their networks to a company called

Many of the original analog trunked networks were Privacy Plus. These
were simple networks to operate and had full support for Type I
trunking. Type I trunking was the cheapest to operate so most all
commercial trunked radio networks (SMRs) used Type I.

Being Privacy Plus was not digital ready, though still a huge success,
a new type of network was created. It was called iDEN (Integrated
Digital Enhanced Network). iDEN is essentially a digital trunked radio
network that supports all of the same features available to
Motorola&#8217;s older style of trunking, though more oriented toward

NexTel&#8217;s vision was to take the place of all the old SMRs but
use iDEN trunking as it met the FCC&#8217;s requirements. By buying
out analog networks NexTel acquired the frequencies they needed to
support their network infrastructure. As they built their network
analog networks were slowly shutdown, leaving many businesses
stranded. These businesses had a cheap form of communication and all
of a sudden they lost it. They now could find some other means of
communicating or subscribe to the costly NexTel. Many chose to
subscribe to NexTel without investigating their options. (There still
are analog trunked systems in operation; they&#8217;re just on 900Mhz
or UHF using LTR.)

iDEN also uses a dedicated control channel. The difference between
iDEN and other forms of trunking is the use of TDMA (Time Division
Multiple Access) to multiplex conversation onto one frequency. The
type of digital voice encoding used by NexTel is VSELP. Digital
modulation uses a form of QAM. (VSELP was the earlier form of ASTRO.
IMBE is now the current vocoding scheme used by ASTRO.)

Group calls, individual calls, and telephone interconnect are all
available just as with normal trunking. NexTel refers to their
individual calling feature as Direct Connect. This is the dominant
communication form with NexTel as it is the cheapest and easiest to
use. (Most businesses only need to communicate directly with one
employee anyway.) With NexTel, group calling creates an additional
charge for every radio that receives the call. Group calls do not
strain the network any more than an individual call so the cost is
really not needed. NexTel just found a way to take more money from the
customer. Telephone calls are fully duplex in nature. (All of the
former systems use half-duplex requiring one person to speak at a

NexTel networks still, in fact, use a 25kHz bandwidth just as the
older analog networks did. They obviously aren&#8217;t too concerned
with trying to be efficient, and setting an example, by going to
narrowband technology. NexTel is truly a company who is only concerned
with itself and its profit margin.

Within the last year a company called ARINC, which manages most
airport operations, has chosen to convert their Motorola Type I
trunked networks to iDEN networks. Other than a few other small
networks, iDEN is not widely used.


MPT-1327 is an open standard of trunking, versus iDEN, which is
proprietary, and was developed in the UK. Any manufacturer can produce
their own equipment based on this standard without the need for
permission or licensing. This type of network is more oriented toward
commercial and industrial sectors. It is most widely used in Europe
and Australia, though, has been found occasionally in the United

MPT is a network using analog communications. There is a dedicated
control channel just as in the other forms of trunking. MPT is a lot
like the standard Motorola trunked networks. Many of the features of
Motorola trunking, which SmartZone provides for example, exist within
MPT networks. MPT networks are highly customizable are cheap in price.
Along with voice, data can also been sent over the network.


TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio) is similar to MPT in that it is a
protocol that is an open standard. The difference between them is
TETRA is a fully digital system.

It uses a dedicated control channel and utilizes TDMA on its traffic
channels. There is a 4:1 call to frequency relationship. Considering
the channel is completely digital both voice and data can be sent at
the same time. IP packet data is supported. TETRA is in use primarily
outside of North America.

See the TETRA website for more information: http://www.tetramou.com/

The relationship between Type I, II, and IIi protocols

Type I:
When Motorola first introduced trunking back in the early 1970's the
method used for grouping radios into multigroups and talkgroups was
called Type I. The way Type I works shows the developers must have
been on acid, or some narcotic, as the way it works can be quite
complicated, especially when trying to determine sizecodes in an
unknown environment. They developed sizecodes to take the OSW address
portion and divide it up appropriately based on the number of fleets,
sub-fleets, and radios needed by the customer. There are a total of
fourteen different sizecodes with each one dividing up the 16 bits
accordingly. Below is a chart representing the sizecodes and their
First, one of the building blocks for organizing activity on a system
such as ASTRO or analog, talkgroups, radio ids, and sizecodes is a
partition (Commonly referred to as a Block or System Prefix). I tend
to use partition for both Block and the sizecode weight. In default
conditions there are a total of eight partitions. With Type I you are
bound to eight. Most of the sizecodes can be assigned to any partition
but three cannot be because they are weighted differently. Sizecodes A
through K are all weighted as one. What this means is they only take
up one partition. Sizecode M is weighted as two, meaning it will take
up two partitions. Sizecode O is weighted 4, and sizecode Q is
weighted 8. As you may have noticed sizecode Q takes up the whole
fleet map. All eight partitions together in a Type I environment are
referred to as a fleet map.
Type I Sizecodes
A aaabbbbbbbccdddd 8 Partitions, 128 Fleets, 3 Subs, 16 Radios
B aaabbbbcccdddddd 8 Partitions, 16 Fleets, 7 Subs, 64 Radios
C aaabbbcccddddddd 8 Partitions, 8 Fleets, 7 Subs, 128 Radios
D aaaccccddddddddd 8 Partitions, 1 Fleet, 15 Subs, 512 Radios
E aaabbbbbbccddddd 8 Partitions, 64 Fleets, 3 Subs, 32 Radios
F aaabbbbbcccddddd 8 Partitions, 32 Fleets, 7 Subs, 32 Radios
G aaabbbbbccdddddd 8 Partitions, 32 Fleets, 3 Subs, 64 Radios
H aaabbbbccddddddd 8 Partitions, 16 Fleets, 3 Subs, 128 Radios
I aaabbbccdddddddd 8 Partitions, 8 Fleets, 3 Subs, 256 Radios
J aaabbcccdddddddd 8 Partitions, 4 Fleets, 7 Subs, 256 Radios
K aaabccccdddddddd 8 Partitions, 2 Fleets, 15 Subs, 256 Radios
M aaccccdddddddddd 4 Partitions, 1 Fleets, 15 Subs, 1024 Radios
O accccddddddddddd 2 Partitions, 1 Fleets, 15 Subs, 2048 Radios
Q ccccdddddddddddd 1 Partitions, 1 Fleets, 15 Subs, 4096 Radios
Note: Certain sizecodes which have only one fleet will represent it as
zero in final formatting.
The Motorola standard fleet map is AABBCCDD.
Partitions and how they are commonly divided
Decimal Hex [2]
0 0 - 8191 [1] 0000 - 1FFF [1]
1 8192 - 16383 2000 - 3FFF
2 16384 - 24575 4000 - 5FFF
3 24576 - 32767 6000 - 7FFF
4 32768 - 40959 8000 - 9FFF
5 40960 - 49151 A000 - BFFF
6 49152 - 57343 C000 - DFFF
7 57344 - 65535 [1] E000 - FFFF [1]
Note 1: The first and last partitions contain one value which is
reserved by the system. For partition 0 it is zero. For partition 7 it
is $FFFF or 65535. A Type II radio id can be neither one of these
Note 2: For Type II talkgroups there is actually 4 bits which are
appended, this is called the T-bit and specifies call type (See
below). For example, partition 3 would actually be $600 - $7FF or
partition 6 would be $C00 - $DFF.

When a Type I call takes place it is represented by a single OSW. As
mentioned in "In Depth Control Channel operation" an OSW is comprised
of 10 bits, which represent the command or opcode, 1 bit for Group or
Individual direction, and 16 bits for the address. For a Type I call
the opcode is the channel assignment (Represented by a hex code), the
direction is Group, and the address contains the
partition/fleet/sub/radio combination. The radio, once it receives
this OSW, uses its programming to make sense of the address based on
the sizecode. Those 16 bits are divided up according to the first
table above.
For example, we see the OSW: 13F 1 4F32
13F is the channel assignment for 858.9875
1 designates the OSW as directed toward a Group or Everyone (0
represents Individual or Background)
4F32 is the raw value which the sizecode is applied to
Lets apply a sizecode and see what we get. We'll use the sizecode E.
First convert 4F32 to binary: 0100111100110010
Now apply sizecode E: 010-011110-01-10010
We will now convert each section to decimal:
010 = Partition = 2
011110 = Fleet = 30
01 = Sub-fleet = 1 (Also considered 'A')
10010 = Radio ID = 18
Put those together and you have 230-1 with a radio id of 18. The
partition and fleet are a combination of numbers. It is not actually
two hundred thirty, it is two-thirty.
Keep in mind that a sub-fleet of 0 (zero) is restricted to fleet-wide
communications. When programming a radio you may see a number or a
letter designating the sub-fleet but the fleet-wide sub-fleet will
ways say fleet-wide in some form. This transmission would be heard by
every radio on any sub-fleet on that fleet. Fleet-wide is akin to a
multigroup call though slightly different. When using a TrunkTracker
you should not hear normal conversations on a fleet-wide id; if you
do, the sizecode is incorrect. Also, a radio id can be zero. For
example, when I say 64 total radios I mean an assignment between 0 and
Type I trunking is restricted to 800MHz.

Type II:
Later on there came the need for more groups and more radios but
without the size restrictions. Type I was flexible but you were
limited to the restrictions of the sizecode, plus the management of
multiple radios needing access to other sub-fleets was a nightmare to
manage. Simply, administration of all users was difficult. The answer
was the Type II protocol. With the addition of new code (signaling
words) you no longer needed to define fleets or sub-fleets. You simply
created a talkgroup and a radio id. In addition, you could modify your
fleet map to have a partition as Type II (Sometimes seen as sizecode
X). When you mix Type I and Type II together the system is referred to
as hybrid.
In the beginning of Type II, memory limitations of the hardware did
not permit you to use over 4,096 talkgroups or radio ids. You could
assign a radio id or talkgroup anywhere within that range but the
database of all groups or subscribers couldn't exceed a certain
amount. Most modern systems, especially SmartZone, do not limit you.
With Type II the call was given four bits appended to its talkgroup
called the t-bit. The t-bit signifies the type of call such as
Multiselect, Normal, Emergency, Encryption, or Multigroup. Now, when a
Type II call was made, a dual OSW confirming call grant was sent,
followed by the late entry OSW. The late entry is similar to the Type
I single OSW. Here is an example:
308 1 3F01 The opcode $308 designates this OSW as the first of a
dual OSW. The address $3F01 is the Radio ID.
26C 1 2210 The opcode $26C represents frequency 866.5125. The
address $2210 is the talkgroup with t-bit.
Regarding t-bits... Our actual talkgroup above is $221. The t-bit is 0
designating a normal call. Here are all possible t-bits:
$0 Normal Group Call $8 Encrypted Group Call
$1 Multigroup Call $9 Encrypted Multigroup Call
$2 Emergency Call $A Encrypted Emergency Call
$3 Patched Call $B Encrypted Patched Call
$4 Emergency Patched Call $C Encrypted Emergency Patched Call
$5 Emergency Multigroup Call $D Encrypted Emergency Multigroup Call
$6 Not Assigned $E Not Assigned
$7 Multiselect $F Encrypted Multiselect

Type IIi:
What happens if you originally had a Type I system but wanted to
migrate over to Type II without seriously interrupting service? The
answer came as Type IIi. Type IIi allows for a radio to be assigned a
Type II radio id, be administered as a Type II radio, yet operate on a
Type I fleet and sub-fleet as though it were a normal radio. The radio
could switch between Type I fleets and Type II talkgroups, and
continue to keep the same radio id. Now you can use administrative
functions such as Selective Inhibit or Dynamic Regrouping without
Type IIi uses a dual OSW. The first word contains the radio id and the
second word contains the partition/fleet/sub combination but with the
radio id portion nulled (Zeroed) out. Here's an example:
We'll use part of some past examples; radio id $3F01, sizecode E, and
a fleet/sub of 230-1.
309 G 3F01 The opcode $309 designates the call as a IIi call. The
address is the radio id $3F01.
26C G 4F20 Again, $26C is the frequency and the address is the
partition/fleet/sub combination.
Notice the difference with the second address from the earlier
example? Earlier we had $4F32 because it included the radio id. Now we
have $4F20 because the section for the radio id has been nulled out
with zeros. In addition, the late entry will contain $4F20. All IIi
calls no matter what sizecode used will always have the radio id
portion nulled out. Because of this method it is often easy to figure
out the sizecode by using a few raw values and placing them against
the sizecode table.

Message, Transmission, and PTT-ID are methods for placing calls.

Message Trunking:
Message trunking is the earliest form of call signaling with its roots
in Type I trunking. When message trunking is used the station will
hold for a period of time after the subscriber unkeys their
microphone. This period between unkeying, and when the station
actually drops the call, is called hangtime. [I believe the default
hangtime is half a second.] During this time the system still reserves
the station for the previous group, private, or data call. At the end
of the hangtime the disconnect tone is sent causing all radios to
return to the control channel.
One problem with Message trunking is with subscriber replies. During
this hangtime a subscriber, no matter whether they are a valid or
invalid subscriber, can make a call. This allows for malicious use of
the system.

Transmission Trunking:
Transmission trunking differs from Message in that there is no
hangtime. Once the subscriber unkeys their mic the station drops the
call and all radios return to the control channel. This makes for the
most efficient use of channels within the system.

PTT-ID Trunking:
PTT-ID trunking is built upon message trunking yet fixes the problem
of authentication for replying subscribers. Any time a subscriber
wishes to reply to a call in progress or in hangtime it must send its
information in to the control channel first before it can make the
call. Once the replying subscriber is given a call grant he or she can
continue their call. This maintains a totally closed system based on
the SAC database.

What are the differences between high and low speed signaling?
The simple answer is, the baud rate.

Low speed signaling:
In the beginning of trunking when Type I was the only protocol, low
speed signaling was used. All digital signaling was done at low baud
rates when accessing the control channel and operating on the voice
channel. I believe the baud rate was between 100 and 200 baud. In
addition, if you listen to the input of the control channel for the
low speed ISW you'll here this honk for about one second.

High speed signaling:
When Type II was introduced I believe high speed signaling was also
introduced. Interaction with the control channel operated at the same
speeds at which the control channel operated, 3600 baud. If you tune a
receiver to the input of the control channel and key up a radio you
will hear the familiar sound of the control channel for a split second
as the radio sends in its ISW.
High speed signaling is, of course, the best to use because more data
can be transferred. Though if the system still uses old Type I radios
you must maintain make sure to use the proper signaling rate.

How does a trunked radio actually operate on a network?

First, lets start with what happens when a radio is first powered up.
As soon as the radio is powered up it scans its list of preprogrammed
control channels. If the system is not SmartZone or AMSS then there is
a maximum of four control channels (Each site is limited to only four
control channels anyway). If AMSS, the maximum is eight, and if
SmartZone, the maximum is thirty-two. [I've been told IntelliRepeater
sites can have any station act as a control channel, regardless IRs
are only used within SmartZone networks and I have yet to see more
than four defined. I'm guessing it may occur if all four malfunction.]
Once the control channel is found it will affiliate, but, this depends
on whether the radio is programmed to identify on PTT (PTT-ID), or to
auto-affiliate. [SmartZone radios will auto-affiliate by default
because this is needed for proper site assignment.] It then begins
looking for its radio id, its current talkgroup, any talkgroups within
the scan list, and the multigroup if one is programmed in. In
addition, newer model radios scan for the system id to make sure the
radio id is on the proper system. If the radio affiliates to the
system, then realizes it is on the wrong system, it will send this
error to the control channel, which will echo it out on the outbound
side. The radio then will no longer operate on the system (And display
Out of Area if equipped). In areas where propagation is good and
surrounding areas may use similar control channels (it happens) you
will see the error frequently.
One note regarding SmartZone radios:
If the radio is a SmartZone radio it will also look for certain
information in the background data sent over the control channel. This
includes certain timeout values, connect tones, adjacent site
announcements, and alternate control channels. The adjacent site
information contains capabilities for the adjacent site, its current
control channel, and the site number. There is a maximum of seven
adjacent sites to be defined. Each one of these adjacent sites has its
control channel sampled by the decoding radio to determine if the
radio should switch sites or not. If the radio is a SmartZone OmniLink
radio it will do all of the above plus receive an alias name for the
current site.
SmartZone OmniLink radios can operate on different system ids
permitting the system id is included within the adjacent site
announcement. If it does switch to the other system id it must be
granted approval to roam. The system id is basically considered to be
the Zone in a SmartZone OmniLink network. Each Zone has its own Zone
Controller with its separate SAC database. When a radio does switch
zones it is referred to as trespassing. The current site sends out a
site background word specifying if it allows trespassing or not.
Auto-affiliation is preferred because it allows the system manager to
properly administer the system. He or she, or anyone who has access to
query radio status, will know when that radio is within the network.
They will know when it affiliated and to what group. If the network is
SmartZone, they will also know what site it affiliated to. Another
benefit is when the subscriber chooses to transmit, the radio will
only send in its radio id. This allows for faster channel access. If
the radio is programmed to only identify on PTT then the talkgroup
must be included, I believe, every time. In addition to
auto-affiliation, transmission or PTT-ID trunking must also be
programmed into the radio so that proper channel access is controlled.
Now our radio is passively watching the OSWs fly by. If it sees a
group it is monitoring it will convert the channel hex id to frequency
and tune its receiver to that frequency (Trunked radios do not use
dual receivers!). Once it arrives on this voice frequency it will look
for the proper sub-audible data sent over the voice channel to insure
it is on the correct frequency then unmute and pass audio.
Once we wish to place a call, we depress the PTT button, which in turn
transmits an ISW containing the talkgroup and radio id (Or just the
radio id) on the control channel's input frequency. After transmitting
the radio goes back to the control channel (Or rescans if the control
channel changed for some reason, which can happen due to a fault) and
looks for the call grant. The call grant contains the radio's id and
the talkgroup. It then will switch frequencies to the voice channel
and begin transmitting. While it transmits it continuously sends in
sub-audible data as the connect tone. [I'm not sure but the connect
tone may be used for control channel access also.]
If the subscriber's radio has an invalid radio id, the talkgroup or
radio id is not allowed at the current site, or has performed an
illegal operation, the control channel will notify it on the outbound
side. The radio will then tend to emit a bonk, or busy tone, to say
"Bad Subscriber!"
When the subscriber has finished talking it will stop transmitting and
wait for the disconnect tone on the voice channel's output frequency.
Once it receives the disconnect tone it will return to the control
channel and enter its passive state.

In depth Control Channel operation

[At this time I'm going to skip how the raw bits sent over the control
channel are assembled and error checked as it really isn't necessary.]

All data transmission, or signaling, occurs at 3600 baud. [Note: This
is not bits per second (bps), it is cycles per second. A cycle would
be one full wave.] Considering everything is represented by bits, or
digital information, it makes the trunked system digital. Many people
will argue what makes a system digital or not. Every Motorola system
is digital in that all signaling occurs digitally whether it is sent
at a slow rate or a high speed rate.
The structure of the 3600 baud control channel, be it an outbound
signaling word (OSW) or an inbound signaling word (ISW), consists of
27 bits. These bits are further divided up into 10 bits for the
command, or opcode, 1 bit for direction, and 16 for the address.
With all bits as 1 the signaling word would look like 3FF 1 FFFF.
Commonly the direction bit is shown as I (0) or G (1).
First, I'm going to concentrate on outbound signaling words as they
are more relevant. In most cases you would look at the OSWs for
improper system operation. Problems can occur on the ISW side but can
be easily narrowed down to a subscriber's radio.
Motorola trunking through the years has changed frequently. The early
systems barely sent out any information. You typically saw a single
OSW for the system id and possibly system background information. The
rest would be idle OSWs used to fill time slots. As the systems
evolved the system background OSWs became commonplace with two forms
to contain two different types of information [In the beginning there
was only one]. These OSWs used the address portion of the OSW to
mostly represent true/false statements. "Yes" or "No" the system is
capable of said specific function. Eventually a Scan Marker was
introduced for Priority Monitor.

The history of the System ID:
The first system id was a single word and consisted of a command,
which represented the control channel, and an address, which used a
strange representation of the system id. A specific range was taken by
the system and could not appear in any way. This would include radio
id or talkgroup for example. This range was $1FC0 to $1FFF. Those
familiar with assigning radio ids and talkgroups for an 800MHz system
may recall that you are not allowed to assign anything in that range
($1FC to $1FF for a talkgroup). Though with trunking in other bands
you are allowed to.
The system id looked like [And in some cases still does]: 14F G 1FCB
The way the system id was represented was by taking the two rightmost
digits of the system id and then adding them to $1FC0. So if a system
id was $4032 it was sent out as $1FF2 ($C0 + $32). The radios, which
when programmed, only concerned themselves with the two digits and
knew how to calculate correctly.
This also in turn put a restriction on system id number assignment.
Being the system id is represented in hex the second digit from the
right could not be larger than 3 as it would cause the system id to
fall out of the $1FC0-$1FFF range. [Note: Recently new systems outside
of 800MHz are showing up with system ids which break that rule as it
is possible since trunking in the other bands always used the full
system id for identification over the control channel.]
Later the system id was changed to a dual OSW to represent the full
system id.
It now looks like this: 308 G 2723 System id is in the address.
30B G 2986 Control channel is
sent in the address and is added to $2800 ($2986-$2800 = $186)
For certain new networks, such as SmartZone OmniLink operating on VHF
or UHF, the input hex channel id is sent in place of the $308. Please
see my explanation on how Out of Band trunking works to fully
understand trunking VHF and UHF frequencies.
With the introduction of AMSS, SmartNet, SmartZone, and SmartZone
OmniLink new OSWs were added to the mix. These networks now sent out
site number identifiers, additional system background information
related to the local site, and adjacent site announcements to name a
Basically when a new system type was introduced new code was
introduced. This is why radios must specifically be optioned for
SmartNet or SmartZone for example. They need to have their firmware
updated so they know how to decode the information.
With the creation of the APCO-25 trunking standard there is now a
common format for data signaling over the control channel and a
standard format for OSWs. The data rate is 9600 baud and the OSW
consists of a block of 11 octets creating a total of 88 bits.
Developers who wish to use APCO-25 trunking may add there own OSWs but
must identify properly in the manufacturer's id so radios know how to
decode them properly. Further information on APCO-25 trunking can be
found through the EIA/TIA document 102.AABB.

Further info to be added at a later date.

The differences between Privacy Plus, SmartNet, SmartZone, SmartZone
OmniLink, and networks in general

My knowledge of the early history of Motorola trunking isn't terrific
but I believe the first systems were marketed as Privacy Plus. This
was meant to mean that now two-way radio users had their own specific
channels, or fleets, and made there conversations private from
everyone else on the network. With conventional radio and community
repeaters you simply could go into monitor mode and hear all other
traffic on the network compromising privacy. The system was not
necessarily secure or meant to be, but now conversations were private.
You didn't have to contend with the talkative taxi company or the foul
mouthed truck drivers. When you wanted to talk you picked up the
microphone and talked, this is permitting someone else on your
sub-fleet wasn't talking. Privacy Plus didn't really add advanced
features other than basic trunking. Later enhancements were developed
such as Privacy Plus-enhanced, Privacy Plus-SE, ShareNet, and Coverage
Plus. These networks were more geared toward the SMR operator.
Considering Privacy Plus was one of the first networks and Type I was
the first protocol to be used a majority of Privacy Plus systems were
Type I. As Type II evolved it was added to the capabilities of Privacy
Plus but never truly became widespread. Type I radios were simple to
use and cheap.
Later, another the entry level trunking solution was introduced called
StartSite. StartSite offered basic trunking, telephone interconnect,
and a maximum of 5 channels. This was great for a large office,
warehouse, or shipyard.
With the creation of the APCO-16 standard Motorola now needed to add
support to their systems in order to be compliant with the standard.
The standard was strictly aimed toward Public Safety. Motorola's
answer was SmartNet. It added the features of PTT-ID, prioritizing
radio ids and talkgroups, dynamic regrouping, emergency alarm/call,
automatic channel assignment/updating, busy queuing/call back,
selective radio inhibit, subscriber access control (SAC), digital
voice encryption, redundancy of AMSS remote sites, telephone
interconnect, and SMR backup/roaming. Here are the details of the most
used features below.
· PTT-ID: Every call would require the radio id to be sent to the
system for authorization. That way all radios on the network were
always properly identified.
· Assignable priority levels: There are a total of 8 priority levels
though only 7 are assignable. The highest priority is reserved for
emergencies. This feature allowed priority access to the system for
Public Safety over say, trash collection or a school district.
· Dynamic Regrouping: Dynamic regrouping allows a Dispatcher or
trunked terminal to send a dynamically assigned talkgroup to a radio.
A specific mode is programmed for Dynamic Regrouping. In the event of
an emergency where a talkgroup is created ad hoc for the incident, the
talkgroup can be sent to the radio so that all radios would have
access to this talkgroup. The use of the feature is endless.
· Emergency alarm/call: In the event of an emergency the subscriber
could push a button on their radio, alert the dispatcher, and have
highest priority access to the system. There are two ways for this to
work when the system is full. One of them is called ruthless
preemption, which will interrupt the lowest priority user and gives
the higher priority emergency access to the channel. The lower
priority subscriber is basically bumped off the system. The other
alternative is to queue the emergency yet put it at the top most level
of the queue if other subscribers have been queued.
· Channel assignment/updating: When a call is placed it will be
reflected over the control channel and a continuous message will be
sent out informing late entry subscribers of the call in progress.
· Busy queuing/call back: If all channels within the system are in use
a queue is created for any subscriber which is unable to place a call.
Once they are given access to the system, they are called back. This
is typically announced by the radio emitting the talk-permit tone.
· Selective radio inhibit: If a radio is lost or stolen it can be sent
a command which places it into a dormant state. The radio will operate
as normal but will give no sign to the subscriber it is operating or
allow the subscriber any access to the radio whatsoever. The radio
basically becomes dead, though not deaf to the system it was inhibited
on. That way the radio can be restored (Xinhibited) by a Dispatcher or
trunked terminal.
· Subscriber Access Control: This is a database which is commonly
referred to as the SAC. It is a database of radios and talkgroups
which are allowed to access the system, or are not allowed to access
the system. Earlier versions of the SAC database had two options; the
first was to allow all access to the system except for specific radios
or groups, and the second was to only permit groups and radios which
were entered into the database. Newer SAC databases, used by SmartZone
for example, allow radio ids and talk groups to be created and then
individually enabled or disabled on an as-needed basis.
· Digital voice encryption: All or specific transmissions on the
network can be encrypted or sent in the clear. Radios to be encrypted
are loaded with a key (As DES requires a key to operate) and then can
select whether they want to transmit in the clear or coded. Specific
groups, or activities can be slaved for coded or clear. Often,
encryption is referred to as coded communications.
· Telephone interconnect: Subscriber radios, which when properly
programmed, may initiate a half-duplex phone call. A button is pressed
on the radio and a dial tone will appear. That is unless the feature
has been disabled or allotted time has been exceeded.
Motorola's answer for APCO-16 support was the marketing name SmartNet.
SmartNet was first introduced when Type I was the only protocol
available. SmartNet was then referred to as SmartNet I. When Type II
was introduced SmartNet II was created. Later on an improved version
was created called SmartNet II+. I do not have any details as to the
specific differences or if there was really an improvement. Typically
you can never tell the difference between II and II+.
With the need for Wide Area Coverage Simulcast was introduced
permitting multiple trunked sites within a network. As the same as
conventional simulcast, one site is the prime site (Containing the
voting comparator) and the rest are remote sites. The prime site
contains the primary site controller with each remote site having a
remote site controller (ReSC). Currently you are limited to 10 sites
in a trunked Simulcast network. With Simulcast all sites use the same
frequencies, because of this, all sites must have one form of
synchronization, which is predominately done with GPS these days, but
a clock sync can still be sent along a leased line.
In addition, a trunked network can use Receiver Voting, which is
basically half of what Simulcast does. There are multiple sites
strictly for receiving which send the audio to the prime site which
then compares them and then votes which is the best source. That audio
path is then sent to the transmitter sites. Sites can typically have
both transmitters and receivers but there will still be a few which
will be strictly for receive only.
Motorola uses three types of voting systems for Simulcast and Receiver
Voting. The first and oldest is SpectraTAC. [The TAC stands for Total
Area Coverage.] Next in line was DigiTAC. DigiTAC added the support
for voting of 12kbit encryption and data. The last, and current, is
ASTROTAC, which performs all the previous forms of voice and data plus
ASTRO modulation. All these systems are used on both conventional and
trunked networks. In some cases if you pay attention to the sound at
the end of the transmission you'll hear a pop-click type sound which
varies per TAC type but can be used to determine what type of voter is
being used.
SmartNet systems in the beginning were limited to a maximum of 21
channels per network. Later the hardware was modified for a maximum of
28, which is still the current maximum. But say a customer didn't need
such large capabilities such as 28 channels or 60,000 radio ids? They
wanted something smaller and they were given SmartWorks. SmartWorks
gave the customer full APCO-16 support but gave them a smaller
database and a limited amount of channels (8). At a later date the
customer could upgrade to a SmartNet II network if needed. I believe
the University of California supplies all its campuses with SmartWorks
An alternative to Simulcast technology when Wide Area Coverage is
needed is AMSS. AMSS stands for automatic multiple site selection.
Each individual site in the network is not restricted by frequency or
number of channels. One site can have 20 channels, one can have 4, and
another can have 12. The restriction here is that each site has
different frequencies.
Each site in an AMSS network will have an individual site number
assigned to it and has it broadcasted over the control channel. When a
subscriber is granted a call at one site his or her talkgroup will be
broadcasted at every site on the first available channel. In certain
configurations the call may not be permitted if a site has all
channels in use.
AMSS added flexibility but did not truly give the network efficiency
for assignment of resources. Today there are a small few of AMSS
networks in use. I can recall one in Texas operated by the Military
and one in the San Francisco Bay Area operated by the Department of
the Interior for the Golden Gate National Park. Each one operates on
Enter SmartZone. SmartZone allows multiple trunked networks, be they
single or multiple site, to be interconnected and communicate in a
wide-area fashion. Besides being interconnected they are all
controlled by a master controller called the Zone Controller (ZC). The
ZC has the master database and is the primary point for control of
audio paths within the network. Though each individual site has a
controller it basically goes into a passive mode while connected to
the ZC. The ZC chassis permits a total of 64 connections via RS-232.
Below I've listed possible equipment which can take up a port on the
· Trunked site: This is basically a communications path to the site
controller. It can either be a 6809 site or an IntelliRepeater.
· CIU Distribution Panel Link (CDL): Console Interface Units (CIU)
connect through here. A CIU is responsible for encryption and
decryption of traffic for a recording device or dispatcher console.
· Data Broadcast Link (DBL): Digital Interface Units (DIU) connect
through here. A DIU is similar to a CIU yet it is for demodulating
ASTRO traffic.
· Business Exchange: The Business Exchange is responsible for handling
telephone interconnect.
As you can see the ZC supports a total of 64 sites per zone network,
but that is if telephone interconnect and/or consoles are not used. A
majority of agencies or organizations in charge of a SmartZone network
will have consoles so the number of sites will be reduced.
Another important part of a SmartZone network is the Ambassador
Electronics Bank (AEB). The AEB's primary responsibility is to switch
audio. It takes audio paths from an input source and then, based on
the ZC's decision, routes them to specific output ports. Every
channel, or station, within the zone network is connected to the AEB.
Why is this important? SmartZone systems use what is called Dynamic
Site Assignment for efficient allocation of resources. DSA is a
feature which AMSS didn't have. An AMSS network could not control
which sites broadcasted which talkgroups. The feature of DSA is it
assigns only the sites which need to the audio for an affiliated
subscriber. For example, we have a SmartZone network with 5 sites. One
of these sites is our main traffic site with a majority of our
subscribers affiliated to this site, the other four sites are strictly
for fill-in. Once a subscriber leaves the main site he or she will
affiliate at one of our fill-in sites. Lets say this subscriber is on
"Metro Dispatch." The affiliation to Metro Dispatch is sent to the ZC
which in turn updates its table as to which sites get Metro Dispatch
broadcasted to it. The ZC when then tell the AEB to create an audio
path between our main site and that specific fill-in site. Before this
subscriber roamed to this site there was no one there affiliated to
Metro Dispatch. Metro may have been really busy at our main site but
there was no traffic whatsoever at our fill-in site. This is why
affiliations are important in a SmartZone network.
Another important feature of SmartZone is an added level of
redundancy. If a normal trunked system has a fault occur with the
central controller it would go into Failsoft. With SmartZone there is
one level added in-between. This is called Site Trunking. When a
SmartZone network is operating normally it is referred to as Wide Area
trunking. If a site somehow loses its link to the ZC it will revert to
Site Trunking. In this mode the site continues to operate normally but
without rebroadcast of audio to other sites. Being we lost our link we
can't pass the audio. With a 6809 controller you can have a local
backup SAC database but in most cases this isn't done. We don't want
sites to go into Site Trunking. Now if the individual site has a
problem with its controller the site will go into Failsoft. Even
though the site is connected to the ZC with it in control, the ZC
tells the local site controller what to do.
Considering SmartZone systems are highly configurable they permit the
administrator the option to restrict radios or talkgroups to specific
sites. If you setup a site strictly for the northern part of the
county and have talkgroups for that specific area you can restrict
them to that site. In addition if you have a subscriber who only needs
coverage for one or two sites you can select which sites they can use.
If the radio tries to affiliate to another site, which it received
from an adjacent site announcement, it will receive a rejection and
leave the site. Since we use affiliations for basic control on the
network, the transition is quick and painless.
One piece of equipment strictly for use on a SmartZone network is the
IntelliRepeater (IR). An IR site does not need a separate controller.
Each station at the site is an IR and can perform the function of a
control channel if needed.
What happens when we need more than 64 sites? Motorola created an
enhancement to SmartZone called OmniLink. OmniLink is basically
software driven and is primarily interconnection and communication
between different SmartZone networks. Each SmartZone network in an
OmniLink network is called a Zone. Basically each SmartZone network is
identified by a system id for every site. So each Zone in an OmniLink
network would have a different system id. You're then allowed up to
three zones, or a total of 192 sites.
Being there's not a lot more to OmniLink there isn't much more to say.
Each Zone in the OmniLink network still has its own ZC, with its own
database, but each ZC is now interconnected. When a radio roams to
another Zone it first must get permission to trespass into this new
Zone. This radio found out about this other Zone through the adjacent
site announcement. Sites can actually be configured to not allow
trespass and will indicate so in the site background word.

SmartZone systems have a million and one different ways to be
configured and support a wide variety of features. These are best left
for another discussion. I may further include more information at a
later time. If you feel I missed something please email me and let me

What is Trunking? - First it's a lousy 'techie' term for a very big
business. Let me give the technical definition then the real world
practical definition to get you started. There are many more things to
tell you about this Trunking thing, but I'll keep it simple.
Technically- Trunking is a method of using relatively few
communication paths for a large number potential users. Every time you
pick up a telephone in your office or home, you are using a Trunking
concept. If, in your city you have 100,000 phones, the equipment that
makes it work (we call it the Central Office) cannot actually handle
100,000 simultaneous conversations. It may only be capable of handling
40,000 at one time. Statistic analysis is used to figure out the
needed size of the Central Office 'switch' (it's like a really smart
special computer) to handle all of the calls with little or no
'blockage' (when you can't get a dial tone). Airports don't have one
runway for every airplane (silly I know). They share 2-3 runways for
hundreds of airplanes. There's lots of other examples in daily life.
You're getting the idea.
The Trunking we deal with is for wireless 'two-way radios'. These are
the radios that courier companies, plumbing companies, construction
companies, taxi companies, and lots of others use to coordinate men
and machines. If you can think of a business that has vehicles of any
kind, they need radios to compete in today's business world. Trunking
is a reasonably low cost way for these companies to get some pretty
great communications.
Entrepreneurs invest in putting up towers and the 'switching
equipment' and radio channels that are the infrastructure (the
engine) of a Trunking system. The hardware manufactures work with the
entrepreneurs to design the systems. Antennas go up, computers are
installed at the tower, phone lines attached. It is kind of like a
cellular phone system where you can not only make phone calls but you
can also push a single button on each radio to make an 'intercom' call
to all or some of the the radios in their fleet. The cost to the
entrepreneur will vary from $20,000-$200,000 per site. Cost to the
user is about $200-$1500 per radio and about $.50 per day per radio
for using the trunk system.
In the world, there are several different 'flavors' of Trunking. In
the USA, our FCC decided to allow the industry to determine
For More information on each of these products or companies, click on
the highlighted Hyperlink!
the best format for Trunking. The up side was that it brought
Trunking to the masses rather quickly. The downside was that we ended
up with a bunch of different Trunking formats that don't talk to each
other! In the USA, the most prominent formats are those created by
Motorola (Privacy Plus) and E.F. Johnson (LTR -Logic Trunked Radio).
General Electric had one called GEMarc that was reasonably popular.
RCA also came up with one that really never went anywhere. There were
several others that never went anywhere. Today, the LTR flavor has
several variations. There is Zetron's various offerings, Trident
MicroSystem's PassPort technology, IDA and others. There are also a
few startup technologies such as one from A Communications called
CellSMR that show promise. Today, we also add to Motorola and LTR,
iDEN which is a digital Trunking format from Motorola. The biggest
purveyor of iDEN in the USA is NEXTEL. General Electric has also
teamed up with Ericsson over the years to create a rather formidable
Trunking format called EDACS. EDACS was first aimed at the private
sector (Police, manufacturing, etc.) Since 1996 they have been
marketing their systems for general public use.
On the global Trunking front, we see a different skew of Trunking
'flavors'. In Europe, there is a heavy penetration of the TETRA and
TETRAPOL formats. These are replacing the MPT1327 format. You also see
a lot of the MPT1327 format in Asia. In South and Central America, you
will find a total mix of all formats with a heavy skew toward the mix
in the USA. The bottom line is that you find one Trunking flavor
more predominant than others in areas where there was a stronger
marketing presence by a given manufacturer

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